Write using simple language as if you're speaking to an 8th grader.
If your vocabulary is too academic, I will suspect you of plagiarizing, I
will use the plagiarism detection software, and you will not get credit
for ANY of your work. If you submit work that is not your own you will
automatically fail the entire final exam. It’s so much easier and
smarter to submit your own original work.
Using "I" statements and personal experience is fine. This shows me that you are applying what you've learned to real life.
1.) Remember the story of the Six Blind Men and the Elephant. The men left the elephant arguing that each of their view points was the correct one while still not having a good understanding of what an elephant is. How does this relate to religion? What does the elephant stand for (metaphorically)? Who do the blind men represent? What could they have done to get a better understanding of the elephant? Here is a link to the video to help you remember
http://youtu.be/iBqgr5xZLz0 (Links to an external site.)

2.) The existentialist will tell us that we are destined to die. In the clip from Dead Poets Society Mr. Keating brings his students into the hallway to show them pictures of students who are now “fertilizing daffodils” and teaches them the concept of ‘Carpe Diem.’ Is this a helpful lesson? Explain the concept of ‘carpe diem’ and whether or not you think this existentialist viewpoint is helpful here is a link to the video to help you remember
http://youtu.be/_lCoU5yI0oI (Links to an external site.)

3.) In Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism, we learned about how the ego can limit our thinking. In the clip from Facing the Giants the coach blindfolds the team captain before having him do the death crawl across the field. Why did he blindfold him? Reflect on the lines from the video such as “Your attitude is the aroma of your heart” and “It’s all heart from here” and “Negotiate with your body to find more strength.” Here is a link to the video to help you remember
4.) We learned that Hinduism is a cosmic religion. In class we watched the opening few minutes of the 1980 mini-series The Cosmos with Carl Sagan. Rewatch the video and identify the different Hindu concepts named by Carl Sagan. Here is a link to the video to help you remember
https://youtu.be/h8k48bXJDDc (Links to an external site.)

5.) A guru is a spiritual guide who can help a devotee (a devoted student) to become more enlightened. We learned about Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma) the hugging guru who wants to awaken compassion in the world. Talk about the role of compassion in becoming enlightened and how a good guru can help. Be aware of remembering that gurus are still human and have lessons to learn on their life path as well.
Here is a link to the CNN piece on Amma
http://youtu.be/A7zxg8IMqnM (Links to an external site.)

Here is a link to Prof Lisa’s video on gurus
https://youtu.be/pnZjXhOyLJo (Links to an external site.)

6.) In Buddhism we learned that suffering is caused by attachment. Attachment to things staying the same is an example of wishful thinking that causes suffering. Attachment to youth and our bodies can be a hindrance to our awareness and joy. Discuss these concepts with some help from Shakti Mhi in her video about identifying with the self
http://youtu.be/GhEgVDc1uiE (Links to an external site.)

7.) Mark Van Buren came to class to teach us meditation. He spoke about accepting our negative (and positive) emotions without judgment. How does identifying with the observer of our thoughts rather than our thoughts/feelings help us to suffer less? How does Mark recommend we become more aware? Reflect on any other aspects of Mark’s talk. Here is a link to his video on meditation and mindfulness. https://youtu.be/_pXsdzIQsvg
8.) Prof Lisa gave a talk on healing and manifesting using universal life force energy and showed Jim Carrey’s video to help demonstrate these concepts. What ideas were most memorable from Prof Lisa's talk and Jim’s speech? Here are links to the video and transcript from Carrey’s commencement address to help you
8.) Orthodox Judaism is the most traditional sect of Judaism and Reformed Jews are the most progressive, with Conservative Jews falling in a category somewhere in between. Make some comparisons between the more traditional and the more progressive approaches to Judaism. Give some attention to the attitudes toward women and to the kosher laws.
Here is a link to an article that you might find helpful.
http://www.world-religions-professor.com/orthodox-jews.html (Links to an external site.)
Here is the link to some of the videos we watched in class to help you
http://videoforthat.blogspot.com/2010/10/keeping-covenant-with-god-in-history.html (Links to an external site.)
9.) Prof Lisa spent a considerable amount of time explaining the Christian religious significance of the last seven minutes of the Charlie Brown Christmas special. Why is it important to note that the hosts of angels announced the birth of Jesus to poor country shepherds? Charlie Brown was happy after Linus recited from the Book of Luke but Charlie Brown’s happiness didn’t last. What was missing from Charlie Brown’s experience of the Christmas holiday that was finally completed by the end of the cartoon?
Here is a link to the videos to help you remember
A Charlie Brown Christmas - True Meaning (Links to an external site.)

https://youtu.be/tvwybofO7UY (Links to an external site.)

10.) In Islam we learned about the Greater and the Lesser Jihad. Explain the concept of Jihad and why the internal struggle for righteousness is the Greater Jihad. You may find this BBC article to be helpful in your writing
http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/beliefs/jihad_1.shtml#h2 (Links to an external site.)
11.) Prof Lisa discussed Qi - life force energy - and compared it to The Force from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda taught Luke that whatever we bring to a situation is what we'll find. Do you remember the Mr. Miyagi quote from Karate Kid 2 regarding the best self-defense? Note some of the concepts shared by Yoda and/or Mr Miyagi about the purpose of knowing self-defense. Discuss how life force energy and our intentions influence life circumstances.
Yoda Explains the Force to Luke - from Empire Strikes Back (Links to an external site.)

12.) The film clip from Zeitgeist, (a film that was released on Google Video in the spring of 2007) attempted to present Christian beliefs as being derivative of pre-existing myths, primarily Egyptian mythology and astrology. What flaws do you find with the documentary’s claims? Did you find any portions of the film convincing? What concepts do you think require further investigation?
Here is a link to the film to help you
http://youtu.be/OrHeg77LF4Y (Links to an external site.)

14.) In the film The Human Experience Dr. William Hurlbut said, “Suffering is a journey deeper into the heart of life. Even in the deepest suffering, there is significance. There is a meaningful process of positive possibilities. We have to recover the language of humanity. We cannot understand suffering without it” What do you think he means by this? Please elaborate and feel free to discuss any other aspects of the film that you found significant.
https://vimeo.com/57076124 (Links to an external site.)
15.) In the video on Sacred Ways, Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman of the Dakota Sioux Nation says that we humans have forgotten how to live spiritually. Explain what he means by this. Do you think his message is relevant in today’s world?
Here is a link to the video to help you
http://youtu.be/g7cylfQtkDg (Links to an external site.)

16.) Rabbi Kushner explained his two approaches to theology where God is either all-powerful or God has limitations. He was trying to make sense of the fatal illness that took his young son, Aaron. Explain one or both theological approaches and tell me which (or which aspects of both or either) you agree with and why.
Rabbi Kushner explains at about 5:30 into the video
Rabbi Harold Kushner on Life Pains (Links to an external site.)

17.) In the film "The Message" we see the dramatized version of early Muslims seeking refuge in Abyssinia (East Africa). When they appear before the Abyssinian King Armah, they plead their case. What are the main points of what the early Muslims spoke to the king? What did they say the Prophet (saw) taught them about Jesus, the treatment of women, and God?
Christian King Deals with Muslims | The Message Movie Scene (Links to an external site.)

18.) In Luke 15: 11-32 Jesus tells the parable of The Prodigal Son. What is a "parable"? What does the word "prodigal" mean? The father, elder son, and younger son each represent something/someone in this story. What is the moral or spiritual lesson in this story?
19.) Buddhism is the 4th largest religion in the world. The Buddha himself wished to relieve the world from suffering and help people become enlightened. Please explain the following in your own words: the religion doesn't focus on "God" but on self-empowerment, compassion, and the belief that everyone has the potential to become enlightened. https://youtu.be/Lxq-RiLb-6M
20.) Why are you here? In class you wrote about your purpose in school and/or life. Reply in a few sentences or more.
21.) Religious pluralism is the view that all religions have some elements of truth in them. Do you believe it's possible for people of different faiths to find common ground? How would that be possible?
22.) Reincarnation is one of the beliefs that both Hinduism and Buddhism share. Which other beliefs do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common? Briefly describe each.
23.) Mindfulness is often taught as part of Buddhist meditation. Mindfulness is a practice involving becoming aware in the present moment. What can mindfulness and/or meditation do to help a person live a life that contains less suffering?
24.) Daoism teaches us that going with the flow of nature can lead to a peaceful life. The Dao is the Way of less resistance, reduced aggression, and more passive acceptance of the way things are. Describe this philosophy. Talk about the concept of Wu Wei.
25.) Zoroastrianism fire temples have a perpetual flame that burns to represent certain aspects of
God and God's creation. What do the fires represent?
26.) Jews celebrate holidays that contain certain rituals to teach traditions and Jewish history. Name one or more Jewish holidays and describe how they're celebrated. Mention what the holidays represent or recreate from Jewish history.
27.) Christians believe that God is a loving Father who is merciful, even if humans are disobedient of his commandments. How does the figure of Jesus Christ play a role in God's response to human sin.
28.) In Islam there are articles of faith that include belief in angels, the prophets, and the unity of the one God worthy of worship, Allah. List and describe the articles of faith.